Saturday, March 24, 2007

Don't Tell Anyone About This...

Via the Campus Crusade for Chthulhu and the Universal Conspiracy Against Everything comes this handy little reckoner to conspiracy theorists and other assorted nonconformists throughout history (anti-vaxxers were missing, but EoR has remedied that):

The Devil
| | |
Arabs Biblical Giants-------Hittites-----|
| | | |
| Babylonian Mystery Religion | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | Pagans
| |---|---Merovingians |--------Hindus |
| | | | | | | |
| The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Barney
|------| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | The Yellow Peril |
| | The Illuminatti--| | | | |
| | | | | |--|--|-Santa Claus-------Elves
|--|---|-The Ismailians---| | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | |---|-Rosicrucians-|--|---------Elvis Satanism
| | | | | | | |----| | |
| Shriners| |---Catholics | | | | |
| | | | | Easter | Space The
| |---Masons | Cathars Bunny | Aliens-----Pope
| | | | | | | | |
| |----Templars---------| | | Rock |
| | || | | The |-----and Proctor
| Mormons || Carbonari Media |-Roll and
| | || | | | | Gamble Inc.
| | || Protestants | | | |
| | || | | | Evolutionists------Science
| | |---The Hell-Fire Club | | | | |
| | | | | Theosophy---Free Love--Golden Dawn |
| YWCA/YMCA | Country | | | Mad
| | | Music EST Hippies Smurfs Scientists
Turks | | | | | | |
| | Promise Keepers Skull & Bones | |
| | | | | | | |
| ||--The World Bank Foreigners | Scientology |
| || | | | Hari | | |
| The UN-----Communists Fascists Krishnas | | Computer
| | | | | | | | Nerds
| The Military/Industrial GM/Ford TM |-----Thelema | |
| | Complex | | | | | | Blogs
| | | | Crown of England UFOs | | | |
| Eastern Liberal Establishment | | | Your Great-Aunt Tillie
| | | | Republicans | | | | |
| | Janet Reno | | Internet Role Playing Games
| | | | Rush Limbaugh | | | | |
| The Medical Establishment | Science Fiction--|-----|--Cthulhu
| | | | EEC | | | |
| The Pyschiatric Establishment | | | Women's Lib |
| | | | | Gurus | |
| Homosexuals | Nazi Pagans | | |--Atheists----|
| | | Identity----| |--------New Agers-| | |
|----NAACP | Movement | | | | |-Abortionists |
Black | | Bar coding |Anti-| | Computer Porn
Muslims | California | |Vaxxers | Criminals---|
NEA---Liberals---Ecologists--Yuppies |Neo-Pagans |
| | | | | | |
Moonies |--Animal Rights--|----------Wicca-----Renaissance
| | | Faires
New World Order Anybody not in your sect
| |
(When your sect goes to Heaven,
and all the rest of them go to
Hell. Nyahh! Nyahh!)

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