Wednesday, January 10, 2007

De-Lurking Week

Delurking week buttonIt's De-Lurking Week. Comment now! Can you afford to risk being left behind?


  1. I'll go ahead and post, not because I'm a lurker, but because I haven't posted as much here as I used to.

    That, and they seem shy 'round these parts.

  2. Same boat. Haven't kept up as often as I used to on any blogs. Now I'm working my way through the blogroll as fast as possible...

  3. I'll speak for the nameless ones. Hello from Anonymous!

  4. Oh dear, I don't think I have ever commented here. I have linked - several times - but for some reason never commented. How rude!

    So, um...hi. You make me laugh. More, please.

  5. OK, I'll delurk as well. I'm from Toronto and read every day. I love the gentle way in which you put down the woo scammers and genuinely delusional types you blog about. Keep it up.

  6. A blog reader from sunny Los Angeles checking in to say hi. Keep up the good work!


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