Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Why Do Alties Ignore This Powerful Traditional Therapy?

This is probably the most powerful therapy available to boost one's health and, yet, alties seem to fail to utilise it. EoR can't see how that can be, since it meets all the requirements for their preferred methods of treating ill-nesses and dis-eases and, in come cases, far exceeds the paltry efforts of such johnny-come-lately therapies like homeopathy.

This therapy is "one of the oldest medical practices, having been practiced among diverse ancient peoples, including the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Mayans, and the Aztecs". If it's been practiced for such a long time, and by such a wide diversity of cultures, then it must work. There's even the "theory" behind just how it works (remember: altie theories are actively discouraged from having any relation to scientific principles as we understand them today, preferring to instead rely on "subtle" effects and "other ways of knowing"): in this therapy, Erastistratus stated problems are "caused by plethoras, or overabundances, in the blood, and advised that these plethoras be treated, initially, by exercise, sweating, reduced food intake, and vomiting". Just like acupuncture, there are even diagrams of specific "points" to be used on the body for various conditions. For example, there is a point on the right hand for liver problems, while the left hand's point is applicable to problems of the spleen. People such as George Washington used this therapy. It became the predominant therapy for all kinds of illnesses.

With the rise of "science" and "evidence-based medicine" this therapy mysteriously disappeared from common usage (though it is still used for hemochromatosis and polycythemia), to be replaced by the Big Pharma driven drug-pushing empire we are forced to endure today, with all its side effects and failure to treat anything other than the symptoms.

The therapy, of course, is bloodletting. And it's time this traditional, effective, proven therapy was brought back to the forefront of rebalancing and adjusting ill bodies. EoR calls on all alties to utilise bloodletting at every available opportunity. Remember: it's the therapy "they" don't want you to know about!

And it's not just for humans. From The Standard Horse Book by Dennis Magner (published Chicago, 1895) is the treatment for laminitis (inflammation of the feet):

I know of its effectiveness from personal experience. If the case can be treated as soon as the disease begins to develop, bleed from the neck vein from four to eight quarts, according to the size and condition of the horse. [...] Afterward give a purgative ball. [...] If the case has run two or three days without treatment or has not been treated properly, I would advise opening both toes by thinning out their soles, and the feet put into moderately hot water so as to extract a quart or more blood from each. If this cannot be done, then open the veins freely at the coronet.

For congestion:

There is some difference of opinion among practitioners in relation to bleeding for congestion. Dr. Summerville, who is a very able and successful practitioner, instructed the writer as follows: "If there is much congestion, it is necessary to give prompt relief, which can be done best by taking four to six quarts of blood quickly from the neck vein; stimulate the sides and legs, and give fever medicine as for pleurisy." While he condemns bleeding for pleurisy or inflammation of the lungs, he says, "In a severe attack of congestion, bleeding cannot only be resorted to with safety, but, as above stated, is indispensable"

For colic:

Give from two to three ounces of laudanum and a pint of raw linseed oil. If not better in an hour, give two ounces of laudanum and the same quantity of oil. If there is not relief in a reasonable time after the second dose is given, take from six to twelve quarts of blood from the neck vein, according to the size of the horse and the severity of the attack. Always in bleeding make the orifice large, and extract the blood as quickly as possible.

For inflammation of the brain (phrenitis):

Copious blood-letting must be at once resorted to; no time should be lost in giving a strong dose of purgative medicine. One or both jugulars may be opened, or where, from the restlessness of the patient or danger in working about him, this is impracticable, the lancet should be plunged into the temporal artery.

For periodic ophthalmia:

Bleed from the facial vein, and follow by fomentations of hot water to the eye.

The general advice:

The operation of blood-letting is now almost discarded in modern practice. It is simple, and can be performed by almost any one with a steady hand.

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