Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Festival of Nonscience

EoR has missed some of these seminars, but they go on until May next year. The Mindd Foundation is running a series of seminars in Australia. These include topics such as Complementary Solutions for Brain-Immuno-Gut Disorders in Children featuring naturopaths and chiropracters amongst others.

Luckily EoR still has time to attend the 2nd Mindd International Forum on Children, to be held in Sydney in May. As well as a representative from Defeat Autism Now!, the keynote speakers are David and Mark Geier. Now, EoR doesn't know about the status of that particular event, but it seems most of the other seminars running beforehand are eligible for RACGP QA&CPD points for General Practitioners. For overseas readers, that means ongoing training points for family doctors can be gained by attending these sessions.

EoR wonders how long it will be before the evidence based treatments are thrown out and he walks into the surgery to undergo chelation for his ills, goes away with a homeopathic prescription, and all parents are regularly informed to avoid vaccinating their children to avoid the evil Autism Plague?

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